
Here at Soulful Scrubs we are very aware of fast fashion trends and the world pollution it is causing. We do not follow fast fashion trends.

We are constantly trying to find new ways to make our products better, not only for our customers but also for the environment that we live in.

A lot of work goes into the design process for each print style. The styles are unique and each print only comes in a limited amount of stock. We do not do trends. It's nice for our customers to know that not everyone will have the same design as them.

We hope that our customers treasure their new scrubs and look after them so that they do last longer. Please look after your scrubs like you look after your patients. With care.

We all have different views on sustainability. What's classified as good and what's classified as bad. I see a lot of brands re-using fabrics to re-create garments and give them a second life. This is awesome. However, products re-created from fibres such as nylon and polyester is still bad for the environment. As we know synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon are made from plastic, which is made from oil. Oil in which is then absorbing into your skin. (Imagine wearing petrol on your skin everyday). This is why we want to get you out of nylon/polyester nursing scrubs at work.

Also, did you know that when we wash our polyester garments (even if they are up-cycled) the plastic filaments break down into our washing machines. That water then gets washed out to sea, which is adding to micro plastic pollution. To be exact, 1900 fibres are washed out in every wash cycle. Studies show that we even see it in our rain. So, at Soulful Scrubs we believe that wearing 100% cotton is a cleaner and more natural product for now. Not just for your skin but also for our oceans. 

Of course this does not solve fashion pollution, but we are constantly searching for better ways to produce our garments.

At Soulful Scrubs we avoid buying plastic. We personally believe that avoiding plastics when possible will be extremely beneficial for the environment. Our packaging is purely made from paper and tissue paper so please recycle when you have received your new items. Anything in our studio that can be recycled WILL be recycled.